Mary, Mother of Jesus
Blessed Virgin; Main Altar window, other places
Saint Christopher
Patron of Travelers; near Sacristy door
Saint Florian
Patron of Firefighters; right rear of church, near fire extinguisher
Saint John the Apostle
Apostle who stayed with Jesus; Main altar window, red robe
Saint Joseph
Foster Father of Jesus; Right front of church
Saint Mary Magdalen
Companion of Jesus; Main altar window, purple robe
Saint Michael, Archangel
Patron of Law Enforcement; left rear of church
Saint Pio of Pietrelcina
Franciscan monk, left rear of church
Saint Veronica
Used her veil to wipe Jesus’ face; Station of the Cross
Mary and Martha of Bethany
Friends of Jesus; Main altar window, left panel
Mary Clopas
Mother of James & John, Main altar window, right panel