Lector – Sunday Masses, Sacred Heart Church



Always pre-read and practice the first and second readings.  You will find them in the Saint Joseph Sunday Missal, and the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Liturgical Calendar (at http://www.usccb.org/bible/liturgy/index.cfm) including audio versions to help with pronunciation if needed.  If there is more than one possible reading for the day, practice both and ask the Celebrant which he wants when you arrive at church.


Before Mass

You should arrive at least 15 minutes before Mass begins.

Sign in and introduce yourself to the Celebrant in the sacristy when you arrive. Ask if you are to read the final announcements or anything besides the First and Second Readings.

On the altar, check that:

· the lectionary at the ambo is open to the correct readings

· the book with the Prayer of the Faithful and Announcements is in the ambo, in the right side pocket, and have the correct date

If there is no deacon, review the Prayer of the Faithful, especially pronunciation of names of people we will pray for

Go to the ambo, wait for the church bells to stop ringing and a signal from the celebrant that the procession is ready.  Read the opening announcements, then bow to the altar and return to the lector’s pew.


At Mass:


When the priest sits down after the opening prayers, bow to the altar, go to the ambo and read the first reading.  Take a few moments before you begin to be sure the congregation is settled down and ready to listen.  When you finish, sit down in the chair near the ambo during the Responsorial Psalm.  If there is no choir, you may be asked to read the Psalm.

After the Psalm, return to the ambo and read the second reading.  When you are finished, bow to the altar and return to the lector’s pew, then stand for the Gospel.

If you are reading the Prayer of the Faithful, return to the ambo at the end of the Creed.  When the Prayer and the Celebrant’s conclusion are finished, return to the lector’s pew.

After communion, wait until the Eucharistic ministers have returned to their seats and then bow to the altar and go to the chair near the ambo (if there is no chair, just stand until time for the announcements.)  The Celebrant will pause in the final invocation for you to read the announcements.  If there are no announcements, or if the Celebrant tells you he will read them, remain in the lector’s pew until the final procession.

After the final blessing, join the procession.  Follow the cross to the church entrance, then pause at one side until the Celebrant and deacon bow to the cross.



As you read, listen to be sure the microphone is picking up your voice and lean closer if it is not.  Remember to speak clearly, and slower than a normal conversational pace to compensate for the echo.

At the end of each reading, pause briefly and emphasize the phrase, “The Word of the Lord.”

Each time you pass in front of the altar, pause and bow from the waist (not just a nod.)